electrical test & tag
Is your workplace up-to date with electrical test & tagging? If not, It is time to get compliant!
Did you know, as a business or employer (or other PCBU), your electrical equipment must be regularly inspected and tested by a competent person to identify damage, wear and to detect electrical faults? The frequency of your testing and tagging can vary depending on your industry and nature of your workplace, and what electrical equipment you have. This frequency is outlined in the AS/NZS 3760:2022 – In service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment and RCDs as well as the inspection, testing, and tagging methods.
Fact: Between June 2020 and October 2022, Safework NSW recorded 889 electrical incidents, of which 489 cases caused injury and 3 cases causing death.
Call us today to discuss your workplace needs and have your equipment inspected & tagged by our trained technicians!

electrical inspections process

visual inspection
All electrical equipment is visually inspected by our trained technicians prior to testing with our Metrel appliance tester

Once the equipment has passed the visual inspection, it is tested by our Metrel appliance tester

Equipment that passes test is then tagged and added to an Australian Standard compliant electrical register
more information on electrical test and tag
Q- Do I need to have my electrical equipment tested and tagged?
It is every employer’s obligation under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to ensure that they provide a safe place of work for their employees. This includes ensuring that the risk of electric shock from portable electrical equipment and appliances is minimised. There are hefty penalties for employers and all levels of management where inadequate safety leads to the injury or death of a worker. Electrical testing and tagging forms a part of your workplace risk management system.
Q- What is the relevant Australian Standard for test and tag?
Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760: 2022 is the relevant standard for the safety inspection and testing of electrical appliances. For the construction industry, AS/NZS 3012:2010 is the primary standard, and should be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3760:2022.
Q- Does the equipment need to be turned off for inspection?
Yes, it is an electrical hazard for the equipment to be live when the testing is being conducted. This is to ensure the safety of our technicians and customers. Once the assessment has been completed, the equipment can be turned back on.
Q- How often does my electrical equipment need to be tested and tagged?
This does depend on what the equipment is and where it is stored or used. We can help you determine your needs by giving us a call and having an obligation free chat.
Get In Touch With Us!
(02) 6884 2790
3L Boothenba Road, Dubbo NSW 2830
11 Lloyds Road, Bathurst NSW 2795